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25 May 2017 - Expert Advisory Panel meeting: minutes

Expert Advisory Panel


Date / time: May 25 2017

Venue: The Reserve Bank, No.2 The Terrace

Expert Advisory Panel attendees: Deborah Mahuta-Coyle, Fuimaono Tuiasau, Lillian Grace (via phone), Dr Miriam Lips.


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome

Apologies noted from Suzanne Snively.

Members acknowledged the value of meeting with the OGP Officials Group in February. A member suggested that the next Expert Advisory Panel meeting should include government officials involved in delivery of the National Action Plan 2016-18.

2. EAP members’ round-table on their OGP-related activities and upcoming opportunities to communicate about OGP

Members had been undertaking a variety of activities around transparency, accountability and citizen engagement, including:

  • Discussing data in schools
  • Exploring the availability of open data
  • Teaching on the Treaty of Waitangi, and
  • Advising on government consultations

A member suggested that there were a number of opportunities for Expert Advisory Panel members to engage in the wider community about Open Government Partnership in New Zealand.

3. Update and discussion on progress with NAP commitments for the quarter

Progress updates were provided and discussed.

4. Mid-term self-assessment


  • Expert Advisory Panel members will have an opportunity to comment on the draft plan prior to public consultation
  • The draft mid-term self-assessment will be available from 19 July for public consultation
  • The finalised mid-term self-assessment will be published prior to 30 September 2017.

Expert Advisory Panel input on key messages:

  • Improve the layout and presentation – so that the key messages are clearer
  • Use plain English
  • Emphasise the relevance to New Zealanders
  • Ensure the problem the commitment is trying to solve is clear
  • Explain the approach to solving the problem
  • Acknowledge the agencies that have chosen to participate in the National Action Plan 2016 - 18

5. Public service leadership focus on trust and integrity and what it means for this group

Deputy Commissioner Al Morrison provided an update on the development of a new division within the State Services Commission called Integrity, Ethics and Standards. The new Deputy Commissioner - Integrity, Ethics and Standards will replace Al Morrison as the Chair of the Expert Advisory Panel meetings.

The State Services Commission reorienting its operational structure to reflect the next stage of the Better Public Services (BPS) programme that has been in place since 2012. The chief executives of New Zealand’s state services have agreed to work together as a team to reshape how the system delivers for New Zealanders.

The chief executives have launched a collective multi-year programme of work across six broad categories that will give pace and focus to improvements in:

  • digital services
  • shared data and analytics
  • leadership development and diversity
  • trust and confidence in the public service, and
  • how the system can better organise itself to meet citizens’ needs

This builds on the BPS reforms - which sought to re-orientate the public service around the needs of customers, rather than the convenience of agencies.

6. Other business and forward agenda

Agreement that the State Services Commission would invite government Officials to the next Expert Advisory Panel meeting.


25 May 2017 - Expert Advisory Panel meeting: minutes