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20 May 2019 – Expert Advisory Committee meeting: minutes

Expert Advisory Panel


Date / time: Monday 20 May 2019, 10:00am-11:30am

Venue: Dame Margaret Room, Level 10 Reserve Bank Building, 2 The Terrace

Expert Advisory Panel attendees: Phil Newman, Rachel Roberts, Suzanne Snively

State Services Commission Chair: Catherine Williams

State Services Commission Officials: Larry Fergusson, Morag McConville


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome 

Catherine welcomed the members as they arrived. The minutes of the meeting on 25 February were confirmed.

2. Ottawa Summit

Catherine is attending the 6th OGP Global Summit in Ottawa at the end of March. She has been asked to speak at two sessions and New Zealand along with France will be leading a session related to the “Christchurch Call”. She will take the opportunity to meet with other countries to compare experiences. She will report back on her return.

3. EAP Refresh

Catherine reported on progress. The next step is to interview the short list of 7. The focus of questions was discussed along with the make up of the interview panel (Catherine, one EAP member and one member from the Officials Group. 

4. Progress Reports on National Action Plan 2018-20

Larry reported briefly on the second set of Update Reports – commenting that we had asked agencies to indicate what they were doing and intended to do to engage with civil society in the implementation of the Milestones. Most had done so. The EAP pointed to the importance of using the Updates to tell the story of the Commitments both the process and the results they were building. Capturing voices from the engagement in the implementation would be a useful way of doing that. DIA had trialled reporting on expected impacts – this is more aimed at the next End-of-Term Report and being in apposition to show short and medium term impacts from the Commitment completion.

5. Officials join the session 

Officials then joined the session for a discussion with the EAP about the updates and progress with the implementation of Commitments.

6. Next Steps

  • Publish Update Reports
  • Interview prospective EAP members


20 May 2019 – Expert Advisory Committee meeting: minutes