Expert Advisory Panel
Date / time: Wednesday 24 July 2019, 9:30 - 11:30am
Venue: Dame Margaret Room, Level 10 Reserve Bank Building, 2 The Terrace
Expert Advisory Panel attendees: Rachel Roberts, Suzanne Snively, Anaru Fraser, Catherine Williams
Apologies: Phil Newman
State Services Commission Officials: Larry Fergusson, Morag McConville
Agenda & Topics
1. Welcome
The meeting started half an hour earlier to enable a discussion between the EAP and the IRM researcher Keitha Booth. Catherine provided a brief oral report on her reflection from attendance at the OGP Global Summit in Ottawa at the end of May. She will provide a formal written report in due course. Catherine also provided a brief update on the EAP refresh process. Seven excellent nominees had been interviewed all of whom would add value to the EAP and four of whom would be considered further for the vacant seats. Catherine referred to the embargoed draft IRM Report that had been circulated to members ahead of the meeting. She expressed several concerns that she had conveyed to the IRM and shared with the researcher. She then invited the EAP to discuss the Report following which they would meet with the researcher. Catherine and Larry then left the meeting.
2. EAP discuss the draft Report
3. EAP meet with IRM researcher
4. Progress Reports on National Action Plan 2018-20
Officials then joined the session for a discussion with the EAP about the updates and progress with the implementation of Commitments.
DPMC provided commentary on workshops they had been running and discussed the process for identifying a pilot case study for Commitment 5.
MBIE discussed the process they were undertaking for Commitment 13 and in particular the outputs of workshops they had held with stakeholders.
There was discussion about the need to put Commitments into context which would enable people to understand better what the Commitment would implement and how it would fit with other current and future work streams. It would also, along with impact statements, help people to understand the significance of Commitments. At the prompting of the EAP officials agreed that a short context statement at the beginning of each Update Report would assist public understanding.
EAP and Officials discussed doing some learning by doing in sessions with officials. Taking the practice happening in one of two of the commitments and doing a dive into what officials are observing, what is working, what they could improve, how they could improve – sharing and learning from each other. Finally there was discussion about leveraging off the networks that agencies were creating/using to support each other’s Commitments and the development of the next plan. The SSC would do some work on this for discussion at a future combined EAP and Officials Group meeting.
5. Close out: The minutes of the 20 May meeting were confirmed.