Commitment |
Intended Impact |
Achievements this Period |
Progress |
1 - Engagement with Parliament (4 Milestones) |
Improve public understanding of how Parliament works and increase public engagement with it. |
Sent 800 virtual reality headsets to be sent out to schools who participated in a survey on Parliament’s education programmes. the Speaker visited Holy Family School in Wānaka. This was the prize for completing a national survey of teachers to test the usefulness of Parliaments resources. Showcased the work of two Southland students who recreated New Zealand Parliament’s debating chamber in Minecraft. Continued online webinar series (webinar materials are provided post webinar on Parliament’s):
Hosted first livestream tour of Parliament – 5,100 views. Parliamentary dissolution was televised for the first time. 4th Taonga of Parliament video released coinciding with Māori language week. Hosted a professional development session for 21 teachers onsite. Included discussion on areas where more development was needed in terms of the content and connections to Te Tiriti. Speaker and Deputy Speaker made a video explaining changes to Parliaments Standing Orders. |
2 Milestones completed 2 Underway |
2 - Youth Parliament (5 Milestones) |
Improve understanding among young people of how Parliament works and highlight topics that matter to young people. |
All milestones are now completed. |
3 - School Leavers Toolkit (6 Milestones) |
Young people can access the civic and financial literacy, and workplace skills, they need to succeed, before they leave schooling. |
The School leavers’ Toolkit student website was launched in September 2019. The website has seen over 120,000 views since the launch, with over 40,000 first time users as at 30 October 2020. Launched new civics education resources for teachers of English medium education to use with students from years 1 – 13, with a particular focus on years 6 and above. Launched Te Hekenga ki Hawaikihou, a co-designed curriculum integration framework that reflects some of the key skills and knowledge that ākonga in kura arareo Māori education settings seek to develop in preparation for their future pathways. Work to prototype digital badges for each of the four School Leavers’ Toolkit topics has been put on indefinite hold due to COVID-19. Contracted a supplier to develop civics education resources for use in Māori Medium settings. The delivery date for these resources was impacted by COVID-19. Now intend to release in Term 1 2021. Created a mihi video to welcome young people to the School Leavers’ Toolkit. Training and support programme for teachers and educators to integrate the School Leavers’ Toolkit into their local curriculum was impacted by COVID-19 and New Zealand’s Alert Level changes. The workshops scheduled for Term 2 were delivered in Term 3 due to COVID-19. Baseline data is being collected to measure the capability and confidence of schools and kura, and the impact of the training and the uptake of Toolkit resources. |
4 milestones completed 1 milestones under way I milestone delayed |
4 - Accessibility of Secondary Legislation (3 Milestones) |
Make New Zealand’s secondary legislation readily accessible. |
The Legislation Act 2019 defines the category of secondary legislation in principle. The Secondary Legislation Bill proposes over 2,500 amendments to more than 550 Acts, determining, definitively for the first time in New Zealand, law that falls into the category of secondary legislation. The Secondary Legislation Bill has progressed through select committee and was reported back to Parliament (10 June 2020). It will continue its progress through Parliament when the House reforms after the 2020 general election Milestones were updated to recognise progress made and lessons learnt and to bring them into line with the Government’s decision to decouple reforms rationalising and clarifying the framework around secondary legislation from the future establishment of centralised publication on the New Zealand legislation website. As a result, implementation of the initial reforms of defining secondary legislation have been accelerated. |
All milestones are underway. |
5 - Public participation in policy development (4 Milestones) |
People experience a timelier and collaborative approach to public participation when policies are developed. They consider their concerns, diversity of views, life experience, and time are valued in the policy process. |
The Team has worked with an engagement consultant to finalise the decision tool to assist agencies to choose the appropriate engagement approach on the IPP2 Spectrum of Public Participation. Developed five community engagement resources for inclusion in the Policy Methods Toolbox and tested them with reference group and government agencies undertaking or involved in community engagement. Developed web-page content, for access to the resources and DPMC involvement in OGP National Action Plans). Undertook work on engagement case-studies for inclusion on the community engagement webpages. Began the write up of three surveys that sought information about participants’ experience of and views about community engagement with government during policy development. Continued to finalise the write up of projects identified under the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy to contribute to the ‘live’ demonstration project milestone. |
All milestones are underway. |
6 - Service Design (4 Milestones) (All of Government Service Design Standard Implementation) |
People experience more responsive, open, citizen-centric and user-focused service delivery. |
Due to an extended organisational redesign, combined with staff turnover, work has not progressed over the past quarter, however it will resume in the next quarter. |
1 milestone competed 2 milestones underway 1 milestone no longer applicable |
7 - Official Information (3 Milestones) |
Improve the availability of official information by: • providing advice to the Government on whether to initiate a formal review of official information legislation • progressively increasing the proactive release of official information. |
The Minister of Justice in the previous Government indicated interest in a potential review of the Act, subject to Cabinet decisions on the scope and timing. A decision on the scope and timing of a review will be made in the next Parliamentary term. Statistics released in September 2020 saw a decrease (31% in six months) in the number of OIA responses published by agencies. It is noted that public service was implementing the Government’s COVID-19 response effort during the January to June 2020 reporting period. The total is still 8.4% up on the first six-month period of the NAP3 period. |
1 milestone completed 1 milestone under way 1 milestone delayed
8 - Review of Government use of Algorithms (3 Milestones) |
Ensure New Zealanders are informed and have confidence in how the government uses algorithms – automatic decision-making processes used by computer programmes – to identify patterns in data. |
Work is underway to embed data ethics throughout the government analytics workforce, through improvements in training and professional development. Consulted New Zealanders and civil society on a draft Algorithm Charter to enable agencies to make a public commitment to the transparent and accountable use of algorithms and other advanced data analytics techniques. Public submissions on a draft Algorithm Charter summarised and summary published on . Released the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa New Zealand. Currently, there are 26 signatories who have committed to applying the values of the Charter in their work. We anticipate being able to update this commitment (and its milestones) to reflect progress made. |
2 milestones completed 1 milestone underway
9 - Visibility of Government Data Stewardship Practices (4 Milestones) |
New Zealanders:
There is diversity in data stewardship awareness, practices, and maturity across government. This became more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently. it will take longer than anticipated to achieve consistent and transparent data stewardship practices across government. Stats NZ is reviewing successes and barriers to data access and use across government during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic to identify improvements to build resilience and transparency of the government data system. Early findings point to the need to lift workforce capability, improve data sourcing and access, and increase the transparency of decisions and practices. A Data Capability Framework is now available online. The algorithm charter for Aotearoa New Zealand was published in July 2020. (See Commitment 8.) A data and digital community of practice is being established. The community of practice will also promote and champion good data and digital standards practices across government agencies. |
1 milestone completed 1 milestone under way 2 milestones delayed |
10 - Monitoring the effectiveness of public body Information Management practices (3 Milestones) |
Make the management of government information more visible and transparent by developing and implementing a monitoring framework. The framework will support public reporting on the effectiveness of information management. |
Archives NZ have developed an Information Management Maturity Assessment tool. This will enable public offices to monitor their information management maturity and assist them to establish targets for expected maturity improvements. The Public Records Act requires Archives NZ to undertake independent audits of Public Offices. Archives NZ will begin the roll out of its audit programme to the 1st year cohort of 31 public offices that will begin in October 2020 and go through to June 2021. The results will be reported to Parliament and be publicly available on Archives New Zealand’s website. The 2019/2020 survey measuring 5 indicators of the overall state of public sector information management (released at the end of June 2020) began the process of looking at whether those indicators are being met. The key indicators are fundamental building blocks for effective IM. The results will be reported on and like the 2018/2019 survey results the raw data will be published on |
Two Milestones completed Third Milestone substantially completed |
11- Authoritative Dataset of government organisations as open data (8 Milestones) |
People can access to authoritative, open data about government agencies and their roles, learn more about how government is structured, what agencies do, and be able to reuse the open data in new and innovative ways. |
The working group met in August to plan out the commitment to its new end in June 2021. The Treasury and DIA lead work on a data model of machinery of government. Five workshops have been held, focused on the data held by the Cabinet Office (e.g. Ministerial lists and portfolios, Cabinet committees). More workshops are planned to focus on other aspects of government. The group is exploring using a specific test case to test the model. Progress is being made on an open standard for the data set(s). Work being done in the local council archival community has been shared with the group. There is also a focus on using linked data to enable relationships between the data to be expressed, along with flexibility in scaling. |
2 milestones completed 6 milestones underway
12 - Open Procurement (3 Milestones) |
People can easily find, and access published GETS information for contracts awarded by government agencies that are subject to the Government Rules of Sourcing. This will increase the level of trust the public has in procurement, as it will be possible to analyse what contracts government agencies are awarding, what the expected spend is and which businesses have been awarded contracts. |
All milestones completed |
OGP NAP3 Commitment Updates to 30 September 2020
New Zealand's Plan
Third National Action Plan
December 2020 summary of achievements
Commitment 1 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 2 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 3 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 4 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 5 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 6 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 7 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 8 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 9 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 10 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 11 progress report: 31 December 2020
Commitment 12 progress report: 31 December 2020
Fifth Quarter - Summary of Achievements
Fourth Quarter - Summary of Achievements
OGP NAP3 Commitment Updates to 30 September 2020
Commitment 1 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 2 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 3 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 4 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 5 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 6 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 7 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 8 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 9 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 10 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 11 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 12 progress report: September 2020
Commitment 1 progress report: May – June 2019
Commitment 1 progress report: February to April 2019
Commitment 1 progress report: June 2018 – January 2019
Commitment 1 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 2 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 2 progress report: May – June 2019
Commitment 2 progress report: January to April 2019
Commitment 2 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 3 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 3 progress report: May – June 2019
Commitment 3 progress report: February to May 2019
Commitment 3 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 4 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 4 progress report: July 2019 – September 2019
Commitment 4 progress report: May – June 2019
Commitment 4 progress report: February to April 2019
Commitment 4 progress report: October 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 5 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 5 progress report: May – June 2019
Agenda for 9 July Meeting
Agenda for 10 July 2019 Meeting
Commitment 5 progress report: January to April 2019
Commitment 5 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 6 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 6 progress report: May – June 2019
Commitment 6 progress report: January to April 2019
Commitment 6 progress report: June 2018 – January 2019
Commitment 7 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 7 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 7 progress report: May 2019
Commitment 7 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 8 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 8 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 8 progress report: to April 2019
Commitment 8 progress report: June to December 2018
Commitment 9 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 9 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 9 progress report: to April 2019
Commitment 9 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 10 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 10 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 10 progress report: December 2018 – April 2019
Commitment 10 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 11 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 11 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 11 progress report: to May 2019
Commitment 11 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Commitment 12 progress report: December 2019
Commitment 12 progress report: May to June 2019
Commitment 12 progress report: January to March 2019
Commitment 12 progress report: June 2018 to January 2019
Summary of Public Comments and Agency Responses
Transparency International Feedback
Jan Rivers Feedback
Volunteering NZ Submission
Jonathan Hunt Feedback
Siobhan Leachman Feedback
Carol Hayward Feedback
Fortress Social Services Charitable Trust Feedback
Kay Jones Feedback
Andrew Ecclestone Submission
OGP Support Unit Feedback
Themes identified for third National Action Plan
April 2021 - Summary of Achievements
NAP3 Self-Assessment - Public Comments and Response 30 November 2021
Update on commitments from OGP National Action Plan 2018-2021
December 2020 summary of achievements