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Fifth Quarter - Summary of Achievements


Intended Impact

Achievements this Quarter


1. Engagement with Parliament (4 Milestones)

Improve public understanding of how Parliament works and increase public engagement with it.

‘Looking Back’, exploring New Zealand’s parliamentary and political history, was launched on Parliament TV in October 2019.

Parliament opened its public playground, on International Children’s Day,making Parliament more family-friendly, welcoming, and accessible.

The Speakers Outreach programme was run in Invercargill and New Plymouth.

Two Milestonecompleted 2 underway

2. Youth Parliament (5 Milestones)

Improve understanding among young people of how Parliament works and highlight topics that matter to young people.

Asummary A3 document was published providing information about the programme, participant feedback and key achievements.

Links to the Youth Parliament YouTube channel,and the ten Youth Parliament 2019 select committee reports were provided for use in the Ministry of Education’s School Leaver’s Toolkit

The final Youth Parliament 2019 select committee has reportedback, to the Parliamentary Health select committee on the Youth Parliamentinquiry titled what can we do to lower the rate of suicide in New Zealand. The report back was live streamed on the Parliamentary Health select committee’s Facebook page.

All Milestones completed


  • are supporting the Ministry of Education (MoE) work to develop resources as part of the School Leaver’s Toolkit.
  • are working with the Office of the Clerk to embed lessons learnt from the planning and delivery of the Youth Parliament 2019 programme.

3. School Leavers Toolkit (4 Milestones-Increased to 6)

Young people can access the civic and financial literacy, and workplace skills, they need to succeed, before they leave schooling.

The School leavers’ Toolkit student website has had over 63,000 views since the launchin September, with over 25,000 first time users.

Digital badges for each of the School Leavers’ Toolkit topicsare being developed to enhance the student websiteand enable students to evidence their knowledge and skills.

Civics education resources for teachers of English medium education have been developed and are expected to be publicly available in early 2020.

Fifty sixworkshopsproviding training and support for teachers on integrating Toolkit topic resources into their teaching and learning programmes, will be held across terms 1 and 2.

3 Milestones completed, 2 underway and one yet to commence.

4. Accessibility of Secondary Legislation (3 Milestones)

Make New Zealand’s secondary legislation readily-accessible.

The Secondary Legislation Bill was introduced to Parliament on 10 December 2019. The Bill amends over 2,500 existing empowering provisions in more than 550 Acts. Each relevant empowering provision is amended tostate that an instrument made under it is secondary legislation.

The Bill has been referred to select committee and public submissions have been called for.

All Milestones are underway one aspect (listing secondary legislation drafted by the PCO) hasbeen brought forward.

5. Public participation in policy development (4 Milestones)

People experience a timelier and collaborative approach to public participation when policies are developed.

They consider their concerns, diversity of views, life experience, and time are valued in the policy process.

The Project Team have:

  • gathered information about the work of MYD and DOC on the Youth Action Plan and the Youth Voices Project under the Child and Youth Strategy as part of the ‘live’ demonstration project.
  • Continued to work on the design of the engagement guidance for policy practitioners.
  • Identified and met with a group of advisers (government and engagement/co-design experts) to assist with the development of the guidance.
  • Developed draft surveys for civil society, engagement specialists and policy practitioners.
  • Held meetings with agencies about policy projects that will be case studies to support the guidance.

All Milestones that are planned to be underway are underway.

6. Service Design (3 Milestones)

(All of Government Service Design Standard Implementation)

People experience more responsive, open, citizen-centric and user-focused service delivery.

Assessment modelsused across governments have been identified and reviewed. Two modelshave been selected: one consistsof the principles as is and one with participants co-designing criteria.

Agency leadership teams are being kept informed of progress and agency volunteers are being sought to participate in the assessment pilot.

1Milestone competed one underwayand one to be commenced

7. Official Information (3 Milestones)

Improve the availability of official information by:

  • providing advice to the Government on whether to initiate a formal review of official information legislation
  • progressively increasing the proactive release of official information.

A Report on the results of consultation on possible review of the OIAlegislation was provided to theMinister in September 2019. The Ministry is undertaking further work for the Minister before the Minister takes a paper to Cabinet

Official Information Act Statistics for the six months to December 2019 are being collected and analysedfor release in March 2020.

1 Milestone completed, 1 underway, one delayed (Reform of OIA)

8. Review of Government use of Algorithms (4 Milestones)

Ensure New Zealanders are informed and have confidence in how the government uses algorithms automatic decision-making processes used by computer programmes to identify patterns in data.

Work has begun to ensure that data ethics are embedded in the government analytics workforce, through improvements in training and professional development.

New Zealanders and civil society have been consulted on a draft Algorithm Charter on the transparent and accountable use of algorithms and other advanced data analytics techniques.

1 Milestone completed and two underway.


9. Visibility of Government Data Stewardship Practices (4 Milestones)

New Zealanders:

  • understand how government is managing, using, and protecting their data and be able to hold government to account.
  • have confidence and trust in the management and use of data that government holds on their behalf.

Initiatives including data content standards, a data capability framework, steady states data models, and convening a Data Ethics Advisory Groupare underway.

3 data content standards are awaiting approval, and 2 are in development.

Online data stewardship resources are being prepared for publishing.

All Milestones are underway but two are affected by delay.

10. Monitoring the effectiveness of public body Information Management practices (3 Milestones)

Make the management of government information more visible and transparent by developing and implementing a monitoring framework. The framework will support public reporting on the effectiveness of information management.


  • Archives NZ has published the results of a survey of 254 organisationson their IM practicesto make the management of government information more visible and transparent to the public.
  • The survey revealed that:
    • 54% of agencies have or are developing formal governance processes; oagencies tend to be under-resourced;
    • 64% have identified high value and/or high-risk information;
    • 23% of agencies were building IM requirements into new business systems, 62% saidrequirements were partially built in
    • 33% of agencies did not appear to have a regular programme of active, authorised destruction of information

Audit–Archives NZ:

  • have established reference and user testing groups,
  • are developing high level capabilities required of a monitoring tool for audit,
  • are researchingaudit service providers
  • are continuing work on maturity frameworks

2 Milestones are completed the third is underway.

11. Authoritative Dataset of government organisations as open data (4 Milestones)

People can access to authoritative, open data about government agencies and their roles, learn more about how government is structured, what agencies do, and be able to reuse theopen data in new and innovative ways.

Meetings with officials and civil society have discussed:

  • what it means for the data to be authoritative
  • user needs for the data

Agencies have presented their data models to show where there’s a common set of needsand how the data that’s collected varies from agency to agency.

SSC has committed to releasing its government organisational name data as open data on in early 2020.

1 Milestone completed all others are underway

12. Open Procurement (3 Milestones)

People can easily find, and access published GETS information for contracts awarded by government agencies that are subject to the Government Rules of Sourcing. This will increase the level of trust the public has in procurement, as it will be possible to analyse what contracts government agencies are awarding, what the expected spend is and which businesses have been awarded contracts.

The first open data procurement report was released. MBIE is considering how to release historical data.

Workis underway with the Open Data Services Co-operative to identify how to align their data with the Open Data Contracting Standard (the Standard). They will commence mapping to the Standard in January 2020.

MBIE is planning next steps for early 2020.

Milestonecompleted and 1 underway.