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Commitment 4 progress report: Sep – Nov 2017

Open Government Partnership New Zealand National Action Plan 2016-2018

Date: September to November 2017

Commitment 4 progress report: September to November 2017


Commitment 4: Tracking progress and outcomes of open government data release  

Lead agency: Stats NZ

We will help government agencies improve public access to, and outcomes of, non-personal, government-held data by openly tracking progress on efforts to open up data stores.



Milestone 1

Develop an open government data action plan, based on feedback gathered from the open data community and government officials

Progress: Completed

Milestone 2

Publish the action plan

Progress: Completed

Milestone 3

Develop a public dashboard for reporting against the action plan goals

Progress: Completed

Milestone 4

Seek public feedback on the proposed public dashboard

Progress: Completed

Milestone 5

Regularly update the public dashboard on government progress toward the goals End date: June 2018

Progress: Underway


What have we been doing?

  • A prototype dashboard was published on 28 September, inviting feedback on its usefulness, content, and whether it is easy to understand where progress needs to be made.
  • Feedback channels used were Loomio, Government Data Ninjas, and email. The feedback period closed at the end of October and we received constructive feedback on both the content and its presentation.


What’s next?

  • The dashboard will be redesigned based on the feedback received, and we will seek feedback on aspects of the design as it’s developed. The aim is to create an interactive tool that displays changes in key progress indicators over time, and can be easily updated.