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Commitment 3 progress report: Dec – Feb 2018

Open Government Partnership New Zealand National Action Plan 2016-2018

Date: December to February 2018

Commitment 3 progress report: December 2017 to February 2018


Commitment 3 - Improving open data access and principles

Lead agency: Stats NZ

To review and strengthen the principles under which New Zealand releases open data and information.



Milestone 1

Review potential adoption of the International Open Data Charter, using public feedback

Progress: completed

Milestone 2

Review New Zealand Data and Information Management Principles

Progress: completed

Milestone 3

Determine what principles will guide release of, and access to, New Zealand open data and information, using public feedback

Progress: completed

Milestone 4

Engage with citizens and government on application of the new/amended open data principles

Progress: completed

Milestone 5

Implement new/amended open data principles.

End date: June 2018

Progress: underway


What have we been doing?

  • The Open Data Action Plan has been updated to include initiatives for implementing the Open Data Charter principles. The action plan is accompanied by an implementation plan that includes time-bound activities and milestones, and describes how the action plan will be delivered. The implementation plan enables us to meet the criteria for adopting the Open Data Charter.
  • The updated action plan and implementation plan will be launched at an Open Data Day event on 2 March 2018 and will be published online following the event.


What’s next?

  • Formally notify the Open Data Charter of New Zealand’s adoption of the Charter.
  • Review and consolidate the information on the principles under which open government data is released (including the Declaration on Transparent and Open Government, NZ Data and Information Management Principles, NZ Government Open Access and Licensing Framework, and Open Data Charter).
  • Publish guidance resources (such as help notes and FAQs) to help government agencies understand how the Open Data Charter principles could be implemented, and seek feedback on these resources.