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19 March 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes

Officials Group


Date / time: Monday 19 March 2018, 11am-12pm

Venue: Rm 10.3 State Services Commission Reserve bank, No.2 the Terrace

Officials Group participants: Department of Internal Affairs, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parliamentary Counsel Office, State Services Commission, Statistics New Zealand, and the Treasury.


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome

Catherine Williams as Chair welcomed everyone and ran housekeeping and general introductions.

2. Engagement update for the National Action Plan 2018-2020

Catherine Williams ran through the high level engagement approach for the development of the NAP including community, NGO and public sector regional workshops to stimulate ideas as well as an online digital consultation and idea generation process. This would be supplemented by a theming phase and then a formulation of the plan. In particular John Draper from Maven who is supporting community consultation was introduced as they will be assisting the SSC in this process. All agencies were supportive of including a broader cross section of the community this time.

It was also suggested that some criteria for ideas be outlined for stakeholders as a guide for those participating in the engagement so it was clearer what types of suggestions would have the highest likelihood of success. There was some support for contributors to get some feedback on where their ideas had landed and a rationale of inclusion or redevelopment.

It was agreed that a detailed timeline would be sent to agencies to ensure they were able to attend and/or enhance what is planned by co-ordinating some of their own consultation activity with the New Zealand public.

3. Close-out Steps of National Action Plan 2016-2018

It was agreed that a process for agencies with milestones in the current NAP would be sent out to ensure everyone was clear what the remaining steps were to complete the Plan commitments.


19 March 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes