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30 April 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes

Officials Group


Date / time: Monday 30 April 2018, 11am-12pm

Venue: Rm 10.2 State Services Commission Reserve Bank Building, No.2 the Terrace

Officials Group participants: Department of Internal Affairs, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parliamentary Counsel Office, State Services Commission, Statistics New Zealand and the Treasury.


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome

Catherine Williams as Chair welcomed everyone and the previous minutes were confirmed.

2. Engagement update for the National Action Plan 2018-2020

Catherine Williams ran through the high level engagement approach for the development of the NAP including community, NGO and public sector regional workshops to stimulate ideas as well as an online digital consultation and idea generation process.

Larry Fergusson ran through the successful Expert Advisory Panel meeting and stakeholder engagement session on 18 April 2018. He also outlined key upcoming dates for SSC OGP workshops and encouraged officials to attend. A 2 page information sheet was also tabled should any agency wish to send it out through their networks alongside an invitation from SSC.

Action: send soft copy OGP pack of NAP information and workshop invitations to officials

Action: officials to send pack out through their networks

3. Close-out Steps of National Action Plan 2016-2018

Amy Allison discussed the findings of bilateral discussions with all Commitment lead agencies. All Commitments were on track to be delivered as agreed, with 10 milestones completed and 15 on track. The Independent Reviewer’s recommendations for completion were also discussed and considered with Leads, some of them already completed.

Action: send soft copy of Independent Reviewer’s final recommendations to officials

Action: Amy Allison to meet with meet with Keitha Booth on completion process and approach


30 April 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes