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26 June 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes

Officials Group


Date / time: Monday 26 June 2018, 9.00-10.00am

Venue: Rm 10.2 State Services Commission Reserve Bank, No.2 The Terrace

Officials Group participants: Department of Internal Affairs, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parliamentary Counsel Office, State Services Commission, Stats NZ, Ministry of Youth Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Office of the Clerk, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, Serious Fraud Office.


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome

Catherine Williams as Chair welcomed everyone. It was agreed that the previous minutes would be confirmed by email, given that a number of the attendees were not present.

2. Close-out Steps of National Action Plan 2016-2018

Amy Allison discussed at a high level the next steps including:

  • A timeline for finalising the final Self-Assessment Report would be circulated this week
  • A first draft of the Self-Assessment Report would be circulated in a week’s time.

3. Engagement update for the National Action Plan 2018-2020 

Catherine Williams provided an overview of the Action Plan development process to date and the upcoming Synthesis Workshop on 2 July 2018. Catherine noted who will be in attendance – Expert Advisory Panel (EAP), nominees from the May workshops in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington, and officials. Maven will facilitate the workshop.

Catherine ran through each of the themes from the 5 June EAP/Officials workshop and asked agencies to update the group with their initial thinking on each theme, including any initial proposals for work that may be put forward at the 2 July workshop for consideration as a potential commitment.

Catherine noted that the final Action Plan would not necessarily end up with a commitment for each theme and/or sub theme, as the selection of commitments would depend on what came out of the Synthesis Workshop.

Catherine advised that SSC would be in touch with those agencies who identified they would like further support as they work through their proposal(s). There was discussion about the process for the 2 July workshop. Catherine advised that the agenda and process for the day was still being finalised and SSC planned to send the agenda out at the end of the week.

Action: Agencies to prepare a context for their proposals.

Action: SSC to circulate agenda for 2 July Synthesis Workshop.


26 June 2018 - Officials Group meeting: minutes