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5 June 2018 - Themes Workshop Joint EAP&OG meeting: minutes

Expert Advisory Panel and Officials Group


Date / time: Tuesday 5th June 2018, 10:00am-4:00pm

Venue: State Services Commission

Expert Advisory Panel attendees: Anaru Fraser, Scott Miller, Phil Newman, Rachel Roberts, Suzanne Snively

Officials: Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Stats NZ, State Services Commission, Ministry of Social Development, Parliamentary Counsel Office

State Services Commission Chair: Catherine Williams, Acting Deputy Commissioner Integrity, Ethics & Standards.


Agenda & Topics

1. Welcome and Introductions

Catherine welcomed the EAP and Officials and described the task for the day – to identify the themes that arise from the ideas we have received during the public engagement phase of development of the OGP National Action plan 2018 – 20 and to identify those themes that are out of scope.

2. Theming of Ideas

The SSC had done some initial work to group like ideas. They had also identified the number of ideas that were related to each group and an indication of the initiatives already being undertaken by agencies that was relevant to the groups. The meeting elected to address the issues as a collective (as opposed to splitting into tables). The meeting identified the themes and subthemes set out in Appendix 1 and ranked them (each attendee indicating their top three preferences). The meeting noted that issues of diversity and inclusion were common across the themes.

3. Scope Issues

The meeting worked through the ideas which the SSC considered were not within the scope of the OGP values/principles (relating to transparency, accountability or engagement or the use of technology or innovation to pursue those values. These ideas are listed at the end of Appendix 2.

4. Next steps

The decisions will be published on the website. EAP, officials and representatives from the Public Workshops will consider the ideas, themes and proposals for commitments at a Synthesis Workshop to be held on 2 July 2018.


Appendix 1 – Themes (in order of preference)

  1. All New Zealanders know how our democracy and system of government works and how they can participate; they are empowered to contribute to wider community life
    1. Children and young people are empowered to contribute
    2. People can easily access and navigate New Zealand's legislative framework
  2. Government and New Zealanders work collaboratively to shape policy decisions and design of public services
    1. Supporting civil society to contribute, including diversity access and inclusion
    2. What should good engagement/consultation/co-design look like?
  3. Increase the transparency / accountability of Government
    1. Publish information to increase transparency and accountability
    2. Publish algorithms to increase transparency / accountability
    3. New Zealanders being able to trust how their information is used and kept safe
    4. Infrastructure to increase transparency / accountability
    5. Improve national budgeting processes
    6. Update official information legislation
    7. Strengthening NZ's anti-corruption system
  4. All New Zealanders can access Government information and services easily – in whatever way works for them
    1. Accessibility / Ease of understanding Government information and services
    2. Infrastructure to support access to Government information and services
  5. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services
    1. Improve the engagement and consultation skills of public servants
    2. Share resources/infrastructure to improve public services
  6. Environment supports a free and independent media to increase transparency of Government decision-making
  7. New Zealanders can access Government information resources for innovation


Appendix 2 – Themes and Ideas

5 June 2018 - Themes Workshop Joint EAP&OG meeting: appendix 2


5 June 2018 - Themes Workshop Joint EAP&OG meeting: minutes