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Commitment 4 progress report: Dec – Feb 2018

Open Government Partnership New Zealand National Action Plan 2016-2018

Date: December to February 2018

Commitment 4 progress report: December 2017 to February 2018


Commitment 4: Tracking progress and outcomes of open government data release

Lead agency: Stats NZ

We will help government agencies improve public access to, and outcomes of, non-personal, government-held data by openly tracking progress on efforts to open up data stores.



Milestone 1

Develop an open government data action plan, based on feedback gathered from the open data community and government officials

Progress: completed

Milestone 2

Publish the action plan

Progress: completed

Milestone 3

Develop a public dashboard for reporting against the action plan goals

Progress: completed

Milestone 4

Seek public feedback on the proposed public dashboard

Progress: completed

Milestone 5

Regularly update the public dashboard on government progress toward the goals

End date: June 2018

Progress: underway


What have we been doing?

  • Feedback on the prototype dashboard has been analysed, and we have defined the business requirements for a dashboard that provides a dynamic, interactive visualisation of the progress made by government agencies to release open government data.


What’s next

  • Initiate a procurement process, based on the business requirements, to develop and deliver the dynamic visualisation.
  • Rerun the online survey of government agencies, to measure change against the baseline results gathered in 2017.